Colorado Kidsight Program Logo
Board of directors logo

Directors and Support

Directors of the Kidsight Colorado are elected for a term of 3 years and may be elected for a second term. Each Colorado Lions District (6C, 6NE, 6SE, &  6W) have 2 elected Directors. District Governors may appoint a replacement when required to complete the current term of elected office.

Three additional Directors, with voting rights, may be appointed to a one year term by a majority of the elected Directors. The Treasurer need not be a member of the Board of Directors. Advisors and support personnel may also be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

6C Director

Kristy Funk

Expires 2025

1st Term

6NE Director

Michael Wright

Expires 2027

1st Term

6SE Director

John Davis

Expires 2027

1st Term

6W Director


6C Director

Cheryl Gozdzialski

Expires 2027

1st Term

6NE Director

Dr. Christiana Shorten

Expires 2026

1st Term 

6SE Director


6W Director

David Smith

Expires 2025

1st Term

Directors Appointed by Elected Board

Advisors and Support


Executive Director - Dr. Whittney Smythe-Smith 

Treasurer - David McIlnay

Data Entry - Kristine Fuster


IT/Support - John Spice
