Plusoptix Screener - Screening Procedure
The screen that you see when you turn on the camera allows you to choose the age of the child by years. Slide the button from left to right with your finger to enter the age of the child that you are screening. The screening criteria for children two through six years of age are the same so you can slide the button on any age range between 2 through 6. If you are screening a child seven or older please use the 6+ age. An age must be selected otherwise the camera will not allow you to screen.
Press the orange button on the handle to begin screening.
If you screen a child and they pass the screening, there is no need to enter any data: Simply mark the child screened as a Pass on the printed roster and continue screening.
If you have a Referral the following procedure should be used to enter the data into the camera:
Mark the child screened as a Referral on the printed roster.
Press the printer button on the bottom left of the camera.
This will bring up a screen which looks like a keyboard.
Begin typing the last name of the child who is referred. You will see the data appear on the white line. Once you have typed in the last name there should be a drop down screen that appears. Finish typing in the last name and then click on the box in the drop down screen that says Last Name to populate the field. If you don’t get a drop down screen after finishing the last name put in a space (click on the bar that says English) and continue typing in the child’s first name. Press the Last Name field to populate the last name and if the first name does not populate as well click on the First name field to populate the first name. If you have a popular name you may have to continue typing the name to get the drop down screen to appear or it may be a child that has already been screened by you before. Check the names that are appearing on the screen with birth dates. Choose the appropriate name and birthdate. This means we have screened the child before and the parents did not take the child in for an eye exam since the child is still a referral. Click on the name of the child listed on the camera screen and the data from the referral will automatically be saved.
After you have entered in both First and Last names click on the left side of the box that says Date of Birth.
This will bring you to a screen that shows the numbers 1 through 12. Enter the number that corresponds to the month of the child’s birth (ex. 5 is May). The screen will automatically move to another screen with the numbers 1-31 in order.
Enter the day the child was born (ex. 21 would be the 21st day of the month). The screen will then automatically move to a screen with the years listed on it.
Enter the year of the child’s birth (ex. 2019).
Once you have entered first and last name and a date of birth you will see a green check mark at the bottom of the screen. Click the green check mark to save the data in the camera.
Make sure the camera returns to the screen that indicates the sliding bar for age. If the referral is standard (you got a message that said “Referral” the camera should return to the age page. If you entered a referral because you screened three times and got the same reading, such a “measurement incomplete” and you entered it as a referral you will need to click the red x at the bottom of the page to take you back to the age page. This is because the camera thinks that you want to do more than one screening for a nonstandard referral. Unless you click the red x to return to the age page the data for the next child you screen will be automatically entered into the camera as a second reading for the previous child you screened that was a referral.
If you are having difficulty entering the information please feel free to call 720-325-7078 so we can help you in entering the information. Please feel free to call during your screening so we can try to resolve the issue in a timely fashion and you can continue with your scheduled screening.
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